Saturday, October 28, 2017

Experience study 'Over the Sea'

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Hey beautiful reader, so today I want to share about my experience study 'over the sea'.. Everyone have their own University target which is like USM, UKM, UM, UPM and so on.. This group of University is the hottest and the main target from majority of Malaysian students.. Same goes to me.. But I never expect or target to further my study 'over the sea'.. Wait, don't miss understand with this statement.. What I mean with 'Over the sea' is Sarawak not Australia or Harvard.. haha..

When the first time I know about this, I was really shock especially my parent.. I never imaging to further my study which is far away from my family.. Before this I reject to go to matriculation because its far in Kelantan.. But now I can't because if I reject this I will never have any opportunity to further my degree.. So I said to my parent that I want to try this time..

I came to Sarawak for a first time.. The plane is landed and I go into Kuching International Airport.. Before exit the airport you have to report your information at immigration and custom check in.. For student which is not from Sarawak or Sabah, you have to prepare a blue passport that only RM 5.. The University will arrange your visa after you register and enter the University.. So don't worry about your visa.. If you don't know you should prepare passport for enter Sarawak its okay.. You can make it at Kuching Immigration center..  So after finish process in airport, we go check in to our hotel..

The next day was the registration day.. I prepare my certificate and form so that the registration process are going smoothly.. When I see UiTM Samarahan entrance my heart was beating faster.. I nervous because ya you know enter a new place that far away from my place with the difference language that I can't understand.. I want cry but I don't want my parent worry about me.. So I pretend that everything is alright.. Don't worry mak everything is okay..

After register my course, I have to go to Seri Serapi for registering my hostel.. I got my room key.. At that time I'm just pray that my roommate was okay and fun.. My parent at that time have to go back because their flight was in afternoon.. I was crying and can't handle it but not in front of them.. I don't want they worry about me.. I enter the room and see my roommate.. Alhamdulilah everything is okay.. But the first problem that I get is language that been use.. Kamek Kitak Kamek Kitak.. At first its quite hard but after you learn you get it and feel interest to it..

I have fun at here.. Time go quickly and now I'm in my third semester.. Just four more semester to handle it and then I can go back.. hahahha.. Pray for me.. XOXO

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